How To Use Our Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Training School Directory

CDL Training Guide is a comprehensive directory of truck driving schools and CDL training facilities in the U.S. that helps student drivers find the best training and prepare for a successful professional truck driver career.

CDL Training Guide's truck driving school directory includes the following types of CDL schools:

  1. Company sponsored schools - CDL training facilities offered by carriers where the student attends the school at minimal or no cost in exchange for a commitment to drive for that carrier for a period of time upon completing the training.
  2. Independent schools - privately owned CDL training facilities where tuition is paid by the students. These schools tend to be more expensive although loans or other financial assistance may be available. The majority of CDL training facilities are independently owned, therefore these schools are often the closest options
  3. Community colleges and trade schools - many local educational institutions offer high quality and low cost CDL training. Many are members of the National Association of Publicly Funded Truck Driving Schools (NAPFTDS) which promotes public education for the trucking industry.

CDL Training Guide understands the importance of finding the best truck driving school, so we have provided an up-to-date and comprehensive list of all CDL training facilities. In addition, CDL Training Guide has provided a separate listing of schools with company paid CDL training programs. For all school listings, we have provided relevant information about each school so you may make the best choice when selecting a CDL training facility best for you.

For guidance on attending a company paid CDL training program versus an independent school or community college, read Pros and Cons of Carrier Paid CDL Training Programs

CDL Training Guide's directory is searchable by location (zip code, state) and school type. All schools can be contacted by phone or email directly from Each school has the opportunity to provide the following: contact information; certifications and other training programs offered; registration information; class schedule; financial assistance information; job placement information; and a link to the school's website.

For additional guidance on selecting the CDL school best for you, read Six Things To Consider When Selecting a CDL Training Facility.

Note: Prospective student drivers should use discretion when selecting the training program. All information included in the directory listings has been provided by the schools. CDL Training Guide does not verify the information and does not recommend or endorse any school or training program included in its directory.